Saul Riesenberg’s Photos of a Skit at Nan Madol, 1963

This skit imitated a feast for Wasahi Samuel Hadley (later Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw) to have an occasion for an American anthropologist, Dr. Saul Riesenberg (Smithsonian Institute) to do photo shooting at Pahnkedira, Nan Madol in 1963. You can find some photos in his book “The Native Polity of Ponape” (1968), which is downloadable at This photo collection was held at the Micronesian Seminar. We would like to thank our volunteer, Ms. Grace Hunt Sui, for uploading them here and the Micronesian Seminar, especially Fr. Francis Hezel, for allowing us to share them here.

Pohnpeian men carrying yams in woven coconut basket dressed in ceremonial grass skirts. Seidos, far right

Pohnpeian men carrying yams on woven coconut basket dressed in ceremonial grass skirts. Seidos, far right

men on canoe full of local food on their way to a feast

Pohnpeian men gathering food together for the feast at the ruins.

procession with sakau

cleaning and preparing to pound sakau

preparing hibiscus for the sakau

twisting the hibiscus-bast strainer to wring out the kava

line of men handling sakau

line of men handling sakau plants for piling

men preparing sakau

men preparing sakau

Masao Hadley or Kesner Hadley, Nahmadau en Idehd in Madolenihmw, Pohnpei

Koropin David, Nahnsauririn Kitti

Wasahi Samuel Hadley (later Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw)

Wasahi Samuel Hadley (later Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw) with his family

Wasahi Samuel Hadley (later Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw) with his family. Master of kava ceremony handing cup of kava to chief’s servitor

Combing out the bast strainer with the fingers to prepare it for laying on the stone so that maceraed root fibers can be placed on it before twisting

Pohnpeian men piling up sakau plants before pounding

Saul Riesenberg holding roasted dog in ceremonial wrapping

Canoes filled with local crops for the rituals

More canoes filled with local crops and people to carry them and perform the rituals

Men in grass skirts ready to carry the offering of local crops for the offering rituals before the survey

Men carrying a basket full of yams and taro for the offering rites

Man preparing the roasted dog

Roasted pigs and yams in a basket for the offering

Wasahi Samuel Hadley (later Nahnmwarki of Madolenihmw)

Nahnmwarki’s family sitting on the platform

Nahnmwarki’s son holding a flower

The serving of sakau to the royalty

Sakau plant brought to be offered

Pounding of sakau

More pounding of sakau

Squeezing of sakau with inner bark of hibiscus tree

Hibiscu bark used for squeezing sakau

Men in ceremonial grass skirts


Area for the archaeological survey


Area for the archaeological survey

Archaeological survey area

Survey team

Sakau stone being moved to a leveled platform

Survey team at the ruin’s entrance

Nan Madol’s walls of basalt rocks

Meggers far right at the wall

Local guy sitting under the rock walls

Basalt rocks of the ruins